Dusk OS changelog

Because Dusk OS is designed to mainly be used after civilizational collapse, the idea of having versions for it doesn't make much sense. After all, the only version the operator will ever need is the latest she manages to have before she makes it hers.

With the advent of Usermode Dusk, there's a possibility of using Dusk as an applicative platform that could become a champion for simplicity and efficiency in the disgusting world of modern software. With some dexterity, that could be done without jeopardizing original design goals. That's an interesting prospect.

Targeting git commits is awkward as you're always on a moving target, so for this applicative platform to work, it's better if there's some kind of versioning in Dusk.

This versioning is not what we commonly call "semantic versioning". It's a simple integer version being bumped up at semi regular intervals at moments where things are relatively stable. Something like a release per month sounds good.

There's never a sub-numbered version. If a particular version turns out to have a big bug in it, we simply release a new version quickly.

There is no particular effort to maintain backward compatibility of the API. We don't change it gratuitously, but we don't maintain compatibility layers either. If you look the the history of the project, you'll see that some APIs have been there for longer than others, indicating the likeliness of their future change.

The changelog below isn't meant to be a mirror of the git commit. Minor bug fixing isn't indicated. The goal of this changelog is to facilitate transition of dependent code to a subsequent version. It therefore lists API addition, change and removal.

Each version has a tag (example v42) in the git repository and a tarball (signed with PGP) is published on Dusk OS' website.

You might see packages with a preXX suffixes in them. These are "pre-release" versions and are used for development purposes. You shouldn't depend on them or, if you do, do it with the understanding that these packages will be removed shortly after the real release.

v1 - 2024/01/03

v2 - 2024/01/25

v3 - 2024/02/23

v4 - 2024/03/21

v5 - 2024/04/10

v6 - Brewing...